Joy Lynn

 Jesus Follower.
Tom’s wife.
Silas and Ike’s mama.
Plant killer.
Big sweatshirt wearer.
Strong opinions, loosely held.

Day in the Life

Day in the Life

To follow-up my reintroduction to blogging, I thought it would be fun to do a Day in the Life post! I’ve never done one, and it’s been requested a few times, so here we go…!


Little bubba wakes up and comes to our bed for a quick nurse and snuggle.

A little off from the usual routine, I jump in the shower right away and get myself ready.


The whole family hops in the car for a coffee date near Tom’s office. My car is in the shop indefinitely, so why not have a little fun with just one vehicle for the next few days? It’s a beautiful morning and always fun to see the city before it’s bustling. We go to CREMA, which I’ve not been to yet, and share a muffin and have a relaxing chat over coffee and let Silas hold our fingers as he toddles around (SO close to walking!)


We say goodbye to Dada, and Silas and I head back home where he eats a little more breakfast, Hondo gets the rest of his breakfast and we play for a little bit and have a little snuggle-time before nap.


Silas goes down for a nap. I go to the basement to talk to my sister on the phone and start this blog post. Hondo follows me, as usual, because the basement is his favorite place.


Silas is STILL sleeping! His naps have been short and difficult lately because of his new tooth, but maybe we’ve finally made it over the hump for now.


Annnnd he’s up! Honestly for him, an hour and fifteen is a good nap. He woke up in a great mood and we’ll spend the next hour or so playing and maybe prepping some lunch. I realize I haven’t eaten anything besides a few very small pieces of a muffin, so I whip up two eggs with some green onions and scarf them down before I pass out - haha!


We have a little lunch because Silas is getting grumpy and clingy. I make him a quesadilla and peaches while I heat up some Trader Joe’s frozen dinner thing. Mine is yuck so I throw it away, but I’m crazy hungry, so I eat some Doritos and graham crackers to get something in my system.


We play a little more and let Hondo outside. The outdoor area got wet from the rain last night, so it’s no good for us to play on until later. So instead, we make a run to Target for a hair dryer since a part of mine broke yesterday.


We get to Target and I realize Silas is poopy. Rarely does this happen, but I get him to the bathroom and take care of that before I shop. We’ve been working on saying “hi” and waving, but Silas is pretty shy (and sweet) with others, so he hasn’t actually been successful. Today, though, he kept randomly practicing his wave throughout the aisles, and promptly blushing and trying to hug me once I took notice. He is the sweetest little bug!


Back at home, a neighbor is getting a dead tree removed and shredded. We can’t miss the chance to watch that, so we sit in the yard for a while and Silas is mesmerized. Back inside, we clean up the toys we got out.

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Nap time! Even with the noise of the tree shredding machinery, he goes down easy with a short nursing session. I sit down to rest because (full disclosure) my cramps are super bad and I’m tired and want a peanut butter cookie… or ten. I open up Amazon and add a few necessities to my cart, and by 2:40, he’s still sleeping, so I chance a little nap for myself.

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He took a good nap! And so did I :) Honestly can’t remember the last time I napped in the day, but it feels good. We play with Hondo, spend a long while on the deck, have a snack, and watch a little bit of Peppa Pig when Silas starts getting clingy and needy for no reason.

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We head to the train station and wait for Dada. While we wait, I get Silas out of his seat to sit on my lap so he can see a train up close. The train comes, Dada comes our way, and off it goes with a loud CHOO! Big smiles from Si!


At home, Silas and Tom play while I make dinner. Tonight it happened to be a recipe I’ve shared on the blog - a favorite in this house… veggie flatbread pizza!


Bath time! While I do bath, Tom cleans up dinner and makes something for dessert whiiiiich we will eat after bedtime.

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Lotion, snuggles, jammies, books and trimming finger nails. Every night, when I pick him up after putting on lotion, he wraps his arms tight around my neck for the sweetest snuggle while he hums quietly. It’s the cutest thing.


Silas goes to bed, we finish cleaning up the kitchen, feed Hondo, and sit down to put on a show in the background while we talk and work and hang out. And eat chocolate peanut butter “pie.”


Bedtime for mom, dad, and Hondo.

*Things I did NOT get done: 2 loads of laundry, a few dishes, some floors vacuumed, some items put away, enough snuggles for my Hondo

There you have it, friends! Nothing very exciting or extraordinary. Just an ordinary day with my little family. Being a mom. Picking up the little person who clings on my legs while I work in the kitchen because he just wants a hug. Teaching him how to say hi and give kisses and nod his head “yes.” I wouldn’t want my days to look any different than how they are now. And at 4:35pm, when Dada walks in the door, after someone has been hugging me all day, I get to hug him, and it feels so good. Well, and Hondo. But Hondo mostly spends the day laying down and getting up a thousand times. Thanks for coming along!

Did you like this post? Would you want see something similar to this in the future? Gauging things now that I’m back… blogging feels so foreign!

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