Joy Lynn

 Jesus Follower.
Tom’s wife.
Silas and Ike’s mama.
Plant killer.
Big sweatshirt wearer.
Strong opinions, loosely held.

Hondo's Favorites

Hondo's Favorites

Welcome! If you’ve landed on this page, you likely landed here via Hondo’s Instagram. His Instagram was started when we first got him as a place for me (Joy) to picture-dump because I just knew I was going to take wayyyy too many photos of him. Well, that silly little page (that I made really for myself) has grown into a fun, positive community of people who get laughs and smiles from our favorite bear-of-a-fella. In fact, Tom (my husband) posts for Hondo pretty often now, too! We are so grateful and glad to have you following along on Hondo’s derpy adventures and we hope this page comes in handy for all you new - or not new - doggo owners! We own and use all of the items listed on this page, so this is certainly not an “ad” page. The crowd favorites (which you may have seen featured in some of Hondo’s videos) are the stainless steel rake and the paw-washer. Both are listed under “grooming.” My personal favorites are the magic fur remover brushes listed under “for the house.” They save you from those annoying lint rollers and the endless sheets that still leave hair behind. These brushes get ALL the hair off my clothes, the couch, bedding, etc. Truly magic! Anyways - so glad to have Hondo’s followers finding their way onto my blog, so if you’re curious, please take a look around my site. If you have any questions comment below, DM us on Instagram, or email me here.

This post contains affiliate links. Should you make a purchase through one of these links I may receive a commission, but at no cost to you. These affiliates are essential to the livelihood of this blog and help cover the expenses necessary for running Joy Lynn.


$19.99 $35.00


$9.97 $24.99




$13.99 $26.99

For the house

$27.00 $66.99

Don't forget to follow me on social media to stay up to date and connected. Feel free to message or email me with any content requests, ideas, or collaborations!

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#sponsored #ad #affiliate #co isn't fake. Let me tell you why.

Custard Rhubarb Pie

Custard Rhubarb Pie