Joy Lynn

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Naples, FL // Mother's Day

Mother's Day is still a week away, but I couldn't help giving a little run-down of the recent trip I took to Florida to keep my mom company for a few days. She and my dad DROVE to Florida for a three week getaway. However, my dad, still a busy-bee in his retirement, had to take a trip to Kenya for the dedication of a much needed library there. During that week, my sweet mama didn't want to sit on the beach by her lonesome, so since I'm only a short flight away, I went to join her in Naples. We had such a wonderful time together. As I've mentioned before, she and I were a known travel duo in our family. Being the youngest, I got to visit all my older siblings and skip school. Let me tell you, becoming an aunt at age 13 had some serious benefits! My mom and I are both very organized and like to prepare for anything... so we think of everything you might possibly need at the beach and where exactly to pack it. We're freakishly in tune to one another's organizational skills. Haha... guess she trained me to organize the same way as her.

We mostly just laughed the entire trip and people-watched like nobody's business. My mom was worried (of course) about my face and shoulders which burned immediately on day one, so the following day she bought me this ridiculous visor from a CVS and made me wear it. It was so awkward, we decided to make fun of it in pictures and send them to my aunts. Basically, it was just a placemat cut into a half circle and sewn onto some fabric. Here was the result of the weird thing..

Original form (modeled by mom), baby bonnet, loin cloth, bib, and boogie board.
Amazing product, amiright? It was worth the $7 just for the entertainment, I think.

Below is a little photo tour from day one, to the end.

Mom, thanks for falling over in the surf, and continuing to let waves roll you over so I could hold your hand and laugh. I am glad I could try and listen to you angrily worry about dad, and try to keep you calm about it. Nearly peeing our pants over that weird cat almost STILL makes me pee my pants. You driving me around because I was sleepy/grouchy and playing my childhood lullabies to lull me sleep, was about the funniest thing I've witnessed in a long time.  And last, but certainly not least, thank you for teaching me how to properly people-watch. I had such a wonderful trip with you, as always. Happy mother's day, mama - love you!