Joy Lynn

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DIY Geometric Pendant Light

My desk/vanity area in our bedroom is now at completion. I'll probably add a plant to the right of it and maybe hang a couple more items... but for the sake of usability and functionality, it's done-zo! The finishing touch was my light. I was (annoyingly) picky about what I wanted, but I found all the pieces (with the help of Tom of course) and got it done once we could take the time to swing by our IKEA. I saw a Pinterest photo that was close to what I wanted, but I didn't even pin it because I figured out how to accomplish the right look just by looking at it. I found the actual post (here) and Natalie's blog is actually really awesome, so I'm glad I did. She used this $23 cage light from Target and the EKBY VALTER bracket from IKEA (I used this smaller one).

Here's some glamour shots of this DIY in its finished glory:

Here's what we used to pull it off:

Gold geometric candle holder: Target $15
Edison bulb: West Elm $7 (on sale)
Fabric-twisted cord, plug, and socket: Vintage Wire and Supply $18
Wood bracket: IKEA Ekby Valter $2

TOTAL: $42

Honestly, now that I added this up, I'm really surprised! Ahhh whatever. It was worth it for the exact custom look I wanted. The bulb was honestly the hardest part to find. The actual work just took a few holes to be screwed (for the light socket and one for the cord). I also need to give a huge shoutout to Vintage Wire and Supply - they had great customer service, gave us more cord than necessary, and wrote "just in case you need the extra length" on a little card. They have a ton of really awesome products. I'm not being paid to say this, I was honestly just really impressed!

What do you guys think? I'm sure you could make it for far cheaper, but I'm kind of in love with all the unique elements we used.