Joy Lynn

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January | 2017

For some reason it feels like this last month was AGES long. Just me??? Needless to say, a LOT happened in January. I apologize for my MIA tendencies lately. I warned you back in November (in this Instagram post) that you may see me more sporadically over the next while due to something we're dealing with in our personal life, and this month has been a busy one in terms of that topic. I am hoping I can be more consistent soon, so keep a look out! Let me dive in and share the scoop from our month.

Life Updates

We finally took our Bernese Mountain Dog home and he's been a complete and utter joy! We love him to pieces, and his sassy ways and dorky puppyisms constantly crack us up. He's gone from 12lbs to 20lbs in the last month and it shows! Also, you can now follow Hondo's rapidly growing Instagram account for pictures and updates. Plus he's already been approached for a sponsorship from a subscription box for pups, so there's fun things to come!

It snowed (iced) in Atlanta! Which is always a little scary because the driving conditions are terrible, but it's always a welcome scene for another otherwise brown winter. The pup definitely loved it the day after arriving in his new home.

Since bringing Hondo home, we've been far more active! He doesn't need a ton of exercise yet since he's little, but we certainly weren't doing a lot of moving before, so that's been incredibly positive. Not to mention the impromptu dates that have come as a result of being out with him!

I was able to freshen up my office with the help of my favorite print shop, Social Print Studio. See the post here if you missed it.

Had a couple hang out seshies with my girls Autumn and Alex!

I got myself locked in one of our bedrooms (they lock from the outside?!) WITH Hondo and I had to have Tom leave work early to come rescue us. It wasn't the first time I locked myself in a room of this house with no way to escape. This time at least I had my phone, but the funny thing is, I had shut the door to keep Hondo from escaping so I could take cute photos like this one... (I think it was worth it).

We started looking into landscaping help for our backyard. We are not very good green thumbs, so the help will be necessary. We can renovate an entire kitchen, but we can't landscape our yard?!

We took Hondo on a hike where we met up with a large group of other area BMD owners and dogs. He suddenly felt very small amongst the big ones! We loved seeing some familiar faces and loving on the big pups.

We had lots of appointments and we kind of gave up on cooking this month and still have no food in our house - haha - on a high note, a Culver's just opened up the road from our house which is AWESOME considering they are few and far between outside of the Midwest!

Lizards have started invading our porch and back yard. I would rather have lizards than insects, so I don't mind, but they are a little creepy.

Favorite Links or Posts

  • This awesome paper tablet. We go through so many small sketchbooks for our various doodles and ideas in this house, so seeing this product totally had us geeking out.
  • I love this post by Hey There, Chelsie on rocking the hot mess that is your life. It sums up a lot of my January and her tips are honestly really helpful.
  • This post by Coming Up Roses on things bloggers are sick of hearing. So much truth!
  • This new Ed Sheeran song:

January was busy, exciting, frustrating, sad, and happy all rolled into one. I'm glad to start off February on a positive note (and fewer doctor's appointments!) and am looking forward to the growing number of spring breakers who will be stopping by our home. That's still one of my favorite Georgia perks! How was your January, my friends? What are you looking forward to in February?