Joy Lynn

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In other years, I've written this post before my birthday. I've posted about 26 things I've learned in 26 years and a recap of sorts on my 27th year.

This year, though, mostly since I'm behind on everything, I'll show you what we did to ring in my 28th (yesterday). It's crazy to think I'm this close to thirty. THIRTY, you guys!

But if there is on thing that being twenty-eight has already taught me, it is that God is so good. He is present, even when we are not so present for Him. He is bigger than our trials, bigger than our joys, and bigger than our selfish selves. He is faithful, even when His path looks different from ours. He hasn't forgotten about you, and He has reminded me that no sin is too big to forgive. He has placed in my life, such incredible people. My loving, hilarious husband, our families, our caring friends...

God is good. In good seasons or bad. He is so good.

This past year has been all sorts of ups and downs and all arounds, but I have Christ as my rock, my husband as my never ending comedic relief, and a pupper to snuggle and annoy all the day long. 2017 has been a year to remember and cherish!

For my birthday, I had been dying to get to a new coffee shop that just opened in Atlanta. I had tried their coffee back around Christmastime, and was soooo grateful to finally get a taste of real coffee around here (I come from Milwaukee where roasteries are common) that I didn't need to spoil with milk or sugar. They have a gorgeous, new brick and mortar shop in Midtown and it was definitely worth the drive. Go give East Pole a try!

After our coffee stop, Tom also took me to the restaurant I've been waiting to try called Star Provisions. Oh. my. goshhhh. This place was amazinggggg. I had the Italian sausage on a hoagie, and Tom had the Prosciutto (that had butter so creamy we thought it was mayo for a second). We finished everything off with some bakery desserts. Not only was the food absolutely perfect, but the building and market was super cute and right up my alley. I could have gone to these places any old time, but I hate going places I know Tom would love too! So I'm glad I waited and we went together. Here's some photos of the day!

Did you really think I wouldn't include my big baby bear doggeroo?! Hondo has been everything we hoped for in our dream-dog and more. We just love this big bear to pieces and look forward to his butt-wagging wiggles each and every day. He has made a year of lots of valleys, one with a few more peaks. I never imagined I could love a dog so much, but you better believe this guy is a momma's boy and he gets so much stinking attention from me it's almost embarrassing! Thank you for bringing such joy to our home, sweet Hondo. 

Beyond all that, I leave 27 behind with a "good riddance" and welcome 28 with a cheerful "hello." This coming year will be one of hope, hard work, change, growth, and so much love. Happy birthday to me indeed!